


火博体育的春天是讲座中心. 学生们被邀请去满足他们的好奇心 outside the classroom, exploring a number of subjects both within and outside their 研究领域.

This semester featured a stellar lineup of lectures, panels, and discussions, where academic experts and alumni delivered talks on a range of topics, from cryptocurrency 核爆炸,并与火博体育的学生分享建议. 


阿迪朗达克信托公司. 金融讲座 


J. 克里斯托弗·吉安卡洛81届 spoke about his career journey from 火博体育 student 当选为美国总统.S. 商品期货交易委员会. 主要人物之一 in the field of financial regulation and author of “CryptoDad: The Fight for the future of money” (2021), Giancarlo discussed ways to ensure the future safety of the U.S. 美元.

Things sometimes come full circle: Giancarlo recalled opening his first checking account 作为阿迪朗达克信托公司的火博体育学生.,它慷慨地资助了这次讲座 系列. 


Edwin M. 莫斯利学院讲师


Professor of Italian 朱塞佩•修梅克 watching his own lecture with the audience.

Professor of Italian 朱塞佩•修梅克 watching his own lecture with the audience.


Professor of Italian 朱塞佩•修梅克 lost his voice just a few days before he was 准备交付声望 Edwin M. 莫斯利学院讲师. “我在课堂上告诉学生的第一件事就是找到自己的声音. 嗯,尽你所能 今晚我清楚地听到,我真的失去了理智,”他说.

Lead Instructional Technologist Ben Harwood, supported by Faustini’s daughter Franca 和25岁的学生助理亨利·米德立即行动起来. 使用文本到语音生成 AI, Faustini delivered a one-of-a-kind lecture that exemplifies innovative thinking 社区精神. 在他的演讲中,火博体育教授展示了但丁的图画 creativity — a boundless “fountain of creativity” — inspired countless artists from 从中世纪到今天. 


托比·尤因,15岁, 莫妮卡·斯蒂菲,19岁, 娜塔莉·威尔逊22岁, Jamel Mosely, and Brian Vergara ’24

左起:Brian Vergara ' 24, 托比·尤因,15岁, 娜塔莉·威尔逊22岁, 莫妮卡·斯蒂菲,19岁, 还有贾梅尔·莫斯利

左起:Brian Vergara ' 24, 托比·尤因,15岁, 娜塔莉·威尔逊22岁, 莫妮卡·斯蒂菲,19岁, 还有贾梅尔·莫斯利

Artist, strategist, and wellness consultant 托比·尤因,15岁; brand specialist, visual storyteller, DJ, and entrepreneur Jamel Mosely; dancer and performance artist Monica Steff ’19; and 音乐ian and singer-songwriter 娜塔莉·威尔逊22岁, described their career journeys in a panel moderated by Brian Labra Vergara ' 24, a studio art major, management and business minor, and 火博体育’s first entrepreneurship minor. 这个项目 是火博体育的一部分 创业艺术家计划, which aims to provide studio art students with the business skills needed to build 一个成功的事业围绕着他们对艺术创作的热情. 

That panel is exactly what I want to do (in professional 生活): I want to be able 会见企业家. 我希望能够理解他们是如何走到这一步的; to support their story; support their career; and just network — enjoy a world where creatives can come together and experience, not only their passion but the thrill 彼此之间的联系. 我认为这是非凡的,这正是我 think entrepreneurship is like: being able to take hold of your own voice and support 别人的声音.”
Brian Labra Vergara ' 24



Oren Kroll-Zeldin, 03年和Ariella Werden-Greenfield, 04年

Oren Kroll-Zeldin, 03年和Ariella Werden-Greenfield, 04年 at Williamson Sports Center, 菲什1990年演出的地方.

Oren Kroll-Zeldin, 03年和Ariella Werden-Greenfield, 04年 at Williamson Sports Center, 菲什1990年演出的地方.

Two members of the band “Phish” — bassist Mike Gordon and drummer Jonathan Fishman— 在犹太家庭长大. 奥伦·克罗尔-泽尔丁,2003年 Swig Program in Jewish Studies and Social Justice at the University of San Francisco, and Ariella Werden-Greenfield '04, associate director of the Feinstein Center for American Jewish History at Temple University, were both religious studies majors at 火博体育.

Now, the pair are editors of the new book “This Is your song too: Phish and contemporary 犹太人的身份.他们把菲什语描述为许多犹太人寻找文化的一个途径 and spiritual fulfillment outside the confines of traditional and institutional Jewish 生活. 

“South Side Impresarios: How Race Women Transformed Chicago's Classical Music Scene”



Combining lecture and piano performance, Anniversary Research Fellow at the University of Southampton, 音乐ologist, and pianist 萨曼塔大学 brought the story of the South Side impresarios to 生活, as she delved into the ways that Chicago's early 20th-century Race women — Black women intellectuals and creatives committed to the entwined tasks of racial uplift and gendered progress — operated out of their South Side base and 塑造了古典音乐的新视野. 该活动包括现场表演 弗洛伦斯·普莱斯的《火博体育官网》. 


Gregg Hecimovich, 泰米C. 欧文斯和杰米·路易斯·帕拉

从左起,格雷格·赫西莫维奇、杰米·路易斯·帕拉和塔米·C. 欧文斯

从左起,格雷格·赫西莫维奇、杰米·路易斯·帕拉和塔米·C. 欧文斯

当著名的哈佛大学历史学家小亨利·路易斯·盖茨. 宣布 discovery of the earliest known novel by an African American woman in 2001 and published it the following year as “The Bondwoman’s Narrative,” some scholars questioned whether 这份手稿实际上是一个被奴役的女人写的. 经过多年的艰苦努力 research, Gregg Hecimovich’s “The Life and Times of Hannah Crafts: The True Story of the Bondwoman’s Narrative,” offers detailed evidence of the 生活 of Hannah Bond “Crafts,” her escape from North Carolina in 1857 to New Jersey, and the experiences 这影响了她的自传体小说.

Gregg Hecimovich, Hutchins Family Fellow at Harvard University and professor of 英语 at Furman University, was in conversation with Assistant Professor of American Studies 泰米C. 欧文斯和英语助理教授杰米·路易斯·帕拉.

地震或爆炸? 地球物理核爆炸监测的历史与未来

莱斯特W. 岩石地球科学讲座
迈克尔克利夫兰' 06


当地球震动时,科学家们对发生了什么很感兴趣. 是地震吗? 化学爆炸,矿井坍塌,或者是核爆炸? 这就是 核爆炸信号进来了.

As geophysics deputy group leader of the National Security Earth Science Group at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Michael Cleveland '06, works to understand how explosions produce seismic waves, how those waves travel through the earth, and how they differ 来自地震产生的波浪.



法医人类学+ % 3 +骨头% 2 c + % 2 c +和+创伤
《火博体育官网》课程, 的身体, and Trauma is an interactive introduction to crime scene investigation with a racial justice component.

+ 火博体育 +社区+庆祝+骄傲
The 火博体育 community celebrated all things Pride during LGBTQIA+ Pride Month with mocktails, 光的零食, 音乐, 骄傲赃物, 和伟大的伙伴.

詹妮弗+ c + % E2 % 9918 +是+ 80% +的+平台+ + +船+在+ +制服.+ + +的+山脉+可以+是+ + +在+ +水.
The 火博体育 Scholars in Science and Mathematics (S3M) program was established in 2007 as a way to provide financial support to students pursuing STEM majors; since then, 约130名学生从中受益. 听五名S3M校友的故事,他们后来做了令人惊叹的事情.